Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Umbilical Cord Prolapse

Umbilical cord prolapse is defined as descent of the umbilical cord into the lower uterine segment, where it may lie adjacent to the presenting part (occult cord prolapse) or below the presenting part (overt cord prolapse) . In occult prolapse, the umbilical cord cannot be palpated during pelvic examination, whereas in funic presentation, which is characterized by prolapse of the umbilical cord below the level of the presenting part before the rupture of membranes occurs, the cord often can be easily palpated through the membranes. Overt cord prolapse is associated with rupture of the membranes and displacement of the umbilical cord into the vagina, often through the introitus.
Prolapse of the umbilical cord to a level at or below the presenting part exposes the cord to intermittent compression between the presenting part and the pelvic inlet, cervix, or vaginal canal. Compression of the umbilical cord compromises fetal circulation and, depending on the duration and intensity of compression, may lead to fetal hypoxia, brain damage, and death. In overt cord prolapse, exposure of the umbilical cord to air causes irritation and cooling of the cord, resulting in further vasospasm of the cord vessels.
The incidence of overt umbilical cord prolapse in cephalic presentations is 0.5%, frank breech 0.5%, complete breech 5%, footling breech 15%, and transverse lie 20%. The incidence of occult prolapse is unknown because it can be detected only by fetal heart rate changes characteristic of umbilical cord compression. However, some degree of occult prolapse appears to be common, given that as many as 50% of monitored labors demonstrate fetal heart rate changes compatible with umbilical cord compression. In most cases, the compression is transient and can be rectified simply by changing the patient's position.
Whether occult or overt, umbilical cord prolapse is associated with significant rates of perinatal morbidity and mortality because of intermittent compression of blood flow and resultant fetal hypoxia. The perinatal mortality rate associated with all cases of overt umbilical cord prolapse approaches 20%. Prematurity, itself a contributor to the incidence of umbilical cord prolapse, accounts for a considerable portion of this perinatal loss.
Any obstetric condition that predisposes to poor application of the fetal presenting part to the cervix can result in prolapse of the umbilical cord. Cord prolapse is associated with prematurity (< 34 weeks' gestation), abnormal presentations (breech, brow, compound, face, transverse), occiput posterior positions of the head, pelvic tumors, multiparity, placenta previa, low-lying placenta, and cephalopelvic disproportion. In addition, cord prolapse is possible with hydramnios, multiple gestation, or premature rupture of the membranes occurring before engagement of the presenting part. A recent study revealed that obstetric intervention contributes to nearly half of cases of umbilical cord prolapse. Examples cited include amniotomy, scalp electrode application, intrauterine pressure catheter insertion, attempted external cephalic version, and expectant management of preterm premature rupture of membranes.
Clinical Findings
Overt Cord Prolapse
Overt cord prolapse can be diagnosed simply by visualizing the cord protruding from the introitus or by palpating loops of cord in the vaginal canal.
Funic Presentation
The diagnosis of funic presentation is made by pelvic examination if loops of cord are palpated through the membranes. Antepartum detection of funic presentation is discussed below.
Occult Prolapse
Occult prolapse is rarely palpated during pelvic examination. This condition can be inferred only if fetal heart rate changes (variable decelerations, bradycardia, or both) associated with intermittent compression of the umbilical cord are detected during monitoring.
The fetus in good condition whose well-being is jeopardized by umbilical cord compression may exhibit violent activity readily apparent to the patient and the obstetrician. Variable fetal heart rate decelerations will occur during uterine contractions, with prompt return of the heart rate to normal as each contraction subsides. If cord compression is complete and prolonged, fetal bradycardia occurs. Persistent, severe, variable decelerations and bradycardia lead to development of hypoxia, metabolic acidosis, and eventual damage or death. As the fetal status deteriorates, activity lessens and eventually ceases. Meconium staining of the amniotic fluid may be noted at the time of membrane rupture.
Cesarean section is a major operative procedure with known anesthetic, hemorrhagic, and operative complications. These risks must be weighed against the real risk to the fetus of continued hypoxia if labor were to continue.
Maternal risks encountered at vaginal delivery include laceration of the cervix, vagina, or perineum resulting from a hastily performed delivery.
The neonate at delivery may be hypoxic, acidotic, or moribund. A pediatric team should be present to effect immediate resuscitation of the newborn.
Patients at risk for umbilical cord prolapse should be treated as high-risk patients. Patients with malpresentations or poorly applied cephalic presentations should be considered for ultrasonographic examination at the onset of labor to determine fetal lie and cord position within the uterine cavity. Because most prolapses occur during labor as the cervix dilates, patients at risk for cord prolapse should be continuously monitored to detect abnormalities of the fetal heart rate. Artificial rupture of membranes should be avoided until the presenting part is well applied to the cervix. At the time of spontaneous membrane rupture, a prompt, careful pelvic examination should be performed to rule out cord prolapse. Should amniotomy be required and the presenting part remains unengaged, careful needling of the membranes and slow release of the amniotic fluid can be performed until the presenting part settles against the cervix.
Overt Cord Prolapse
The diagnosis of overt cord prolapse demands immediate action to preserve the life of the fetus. An immediate pelvic examination should be performed to determine cervical effacement and dilatation, station of the presenting part, and strength and frequency of pulsations within the cord vessels. If the fetus is viable, the patient should be placed in the knee–chest position, and the examiner should apply continuous upward pressure against the presenting part to lift and maintain the fetus away from the prolapsed cord until preparations for cesarean delivery are complete. Alternatively, 400–700 mL of saline can be instilled into the bladder in order to elevate the presenting part. Oxygen should be given to the mother until the anesthesiologist is prepared to administer a rapid-acting inhalation anesthetic for delivery. Successful reduction of the prolapsed umbilical cord has been described, but such an attempt may worsen fetal heart rate changes and should not delay preparation for cesarean delivery. Abdominal delivery should be accomplished as rapidly as possible through a generous midline abdominal incision, and a pediatric team should be on standby in the event immediate resuscitation of the newborn is necessary.
Occult Cord Prolapse
If cord compression patterns (variable decelerations) of the fetal heart rate are recognized during labor, an immediate pelvic examination should be performed to rule out overt cord prolapse. If occult cord prolapse is suspected, the patient should be placed in the lateral Sims or Trendelenburg position in an attempt to alleviate cord compression. If the fetal heart rate returns to normal, labor can be allowed to continue, provided no further fetal insult occurs. Oxygen should be administered to the mother, and the fetal heart rate should be continuously monitored electronically. Amnioinfusion can be performed via an intrauterine pressure catheter in order to instill fluid within the uterine cavity and possibly decrease the incidence of variable decelerations. If the cord compression pattern persists or recurs to the point of fetal jeopardy (moderate to severe variable decelerations or bradycardia), a rapid cesarean section should be accomplished.
Funic Presentation
The patient at term with funic presentation should be delivered by cesarean section prior to membrane rupture. However, there is no consensus on management if the fetus is premature. The most conservative approach is to hospitalize the patient on bed rest in the Sims or Trendelenburg position in an attempt to reposition the cord within the uterine cavity. Serial ultrasonographic examinations should be performed to ascertain cord position, presentation, and gestational age.
Route of Delivery
Vaginal delivery can be successfully accomplished in cases of overt or occult cord prolapse if, at the time of prolapse, the cervix is fully dilated, cephalopelvic disproportion is not anticipated, and an experienced physician determines that delivery is imminent. Internal podalic version, midforceps rotation, or any other operative technique is generally more hazardous to mother and fetus in this situation than is a judiciously performed cesarean delivery. Cesarean delivery is the preferred route of delivery in most cases. Vaginal delivery is the route of choice for the previable or dead fetus.
Maternal complications include those related to anesthesia, blood loss, and infection following cesarean section or operative vaginal delivery. Maternal recovery is generally complete.
Although the prognosis for intrapartum cord prolapse is greatly improved, fetal mortality and morbidity rates still can be high, depending on the degree and duration of umbilical cord compression occurring before the diagnosis is made and neonatal resuscitation is started. If the diagnosis is made early and the duration of complete cord occlusion is less than 5 minutes, the prognosis is good. Gestational age and trauma at delivery also affect the final neonatal outcome. If complete cord occlusion has occurred for longer than 5 minutes or if intermittent partial cord occlusion has occurred over a prolonged period of time, fetal damage or death may occur.

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